Set up your social media accounts today
If you haven't already, now is a great time to set up your social media accounts.

So the fun begins…

Fun? What fun?

This thing we call internet marketing!


Seriously, you have to have fun, or at least be pleasured by the journey, right?

Today is some fun. In fact, it can be too much fun and detract from your mission.


Yes, you remember that, right? To help solve people's problems or provide resources to them that make their lives easier and/or better in return for little bits of money here and there.

Okay, sometimes the “little bits” of money can be rather large.

(Remind me to tell you about the $20k check I got for a few minutes' work.)

I digress.

Today is the day to set up your social media accounts.

Now, not all of them are worthwhile. And you may have to choose which ones you are really active with.

At the moment, I'm spending some time in Facebook and Twitter.

That's it.

If I were to re-tool a bit, I'd drop twitter and add Instagram.

But Facebook is a no-brainer, even if it's becoming less and less effective. There is still a lot to be gained from it.

So here's what I want you to do:

1. If you're not on Facebook, sign up. Build out your personal profile. Remember, YOU are your brand.

2. Create a Business page for your internet marketing business.

3. Create an open group.

Spend 50 percent of your time on your personal profile. 30 percent on your Business page. 20 percent on your group.

Create some nice graphics for your profile picture, covers, etc. for each of those 3 “properties” you're setting up.


Set up twitter and Instagram. Don't spend a lot of time there, though.

Create your graphics and make a few posts.

A handy tool I use nearly every day for this sort of stuff is Stencil.

You can also use Canva. There are other tools you can use to make nifty graphics.

Now, get to it! Any questions, please comment.


Internet Marketing, social media

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