
Hi and welcome to the Episode #109 of the Internet Marketing Muscle Podcast.

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Show Notes

  • Dedicating this one to Seth Godin (leader of permission-based marketing).
  • We’re diverting a bit from the regular format.
  • Let’s get started!

The 5 things you need to build a responsive email subscriber list

  • Optin form on every page
  • Multiple landing pages
  • A more-than-solid offer
  • Thank you and confirmation pages that are crystal clear, describe in detail what your new subscriber should expect, and solid Calls-To-Action
  • An email sequence that makes sense
  • Optin forms – Thrive Leads
  • Landing pages – Thrive Content Builder


Final Thoughts

  • Thanks for listening.
  • Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes and Stitcher (and leave a review, please).
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Classic Shell, email, lifehacks, List Building, podcast, Podcasting, slackerize, Thrive Content Builder, Thrive Leads, Windows 10

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  • Bill, great introduction of you ideas. This addition from your episodes and a warm welcome. So many people are struggling to find something which doesn’t exist. They along the way are being taken for a ride. Not everyone is ethical when it comes to purchasing list. Until, you started to buckle down with truth. Most were lost and all their mentors where only focused on money.

    Thanks Bill for keeping hope alive, really!

  • {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}

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