affiliate marketing bonus idea
Affiliate marketer? Here are some ideas for bonuses you can offer.

I've been thinking about a different business model to try out.

If you've been keeping up, you know that I'm digging in on affiliate marketing and building niche sites to drive revenue from affiliate sales.

One cool way to build affiliate income is not just by “pre-selling” a vendor's product but by offering complementary products and services to the vendor's offer.

Another way of saying that is “offer really cool bonuses in your affiliate offers.”

Know how when a marketer tells you about The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread? And how he says if you buy through my link, I'll give you these really cool bonuses?

Well, YOU can get in on this, too. Here's what I'm going to do. Feel free to steal this idea, with one caveat:

You tell me how it goes. Tell me your successes (and failures) if you try it.

It's pretty easy to make valuable bonuses.

But first, you have to find good affiliate products to promote, or pre-sell.
Once you've done that and have been approved as an affiliate, go get your link. Cloak it using Pretty Link.

Then create some bonus material for the product. Here are 3 bonus types you can make pretty easily (and cheaply – as in free of money but not time).

  • Graphics, including banners, profile pics for social media, and infographics (you can even outsource this work on Fiverr)
  • Keyword Research (there are free ways to do this and paid ways – bottom line, deliver a spreadsheet showing long-tail keywords they can easily rank for)
  • Articles (most time effort but biggest bang) – these are blog posts they can publish in the niche they're targeting by using the product you recommended

Surely, there are other types of bonuses you can offer. Food for thought.
Make sense? Let me know what you think.

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Any questions, you know what to do.

And don't forget to share this post with your tribe.




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