Below is a quick video I put together that shows you how to install WordPress from scratch:


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  • That’s just about how I prefer to do it as well. Although I got in the habit, long ago, of creating the database first, and then adding the user (I had not thought of letting the phpMyAdmin create the database based on the user – and also, in your video, I didn’t see where you granted privileges to the user).

    My method (probably a lot more roundabout than yours, and for no good reason really):
    1. Go to phpMyAdmin and create a database. copy the db name, the username, and the password into a textfile)
    2. Create database user and grant them all privileges
    3. Download latest WP, put the core files into a folder on localhost (using MAMP locally) named “demo” (or whatever)
    4. Open wp-config-sample.php in a text editor and edit db name, username, password, go get salts from the URL given there. change table prefix, add a directive to limit revisions to 3 (I hate seeing so many revisions) and save it as wp-config.php
    5. go to my browser and type demo/wp-admin/install.php
    6. Fill in the Site title and all the info there, etc.
    7. Log in

    See? A lot more roundabout than your method, but that’s the way I’ve done it since 2003.

  • {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}

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