A mobile phone company, a sauna seller, and a non-profit in Boston bought domain names.

Sedo had a six figure country code domain sale this past week, and it was the largest reported sale from the venue during that time.

Here’s a list of end user domain name sales that just completed at Sedo. You can view previous lists like this here.

EV.fr €120,000 – The domain forwards to EV.com, suggesting that TEDA International Auto Group, the company building an EV marketplace on EV.com, bought this domain.

Scalar.de €25,000 – This domain forwards to the website for Vector, which provides engineering tools to car designers. Scalar is a physics term.

NextQuarter.com $10,000 – NextQuarter is a financial planning system built on Salesforce. It changed its name from ForecastEra but used the domain NextQ.ai, which this domain forwards to. What an upgrade!

ThePrintPros.com $9,995 – This will be a Shopify site.

Mailim.com $5,199 – Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri A.S., a mobile phone operator in Turkey, bought this domain. I’m not sure what this domain is for.

Deo.co €4,250 – DeoBlock is a portable, refillable deodorizer.

AllIn88 .com $3,995 – As the name hints, this is a gambling site.

PowerVPS .com $3,977 – PowerVPS is a hosting service.

WandPaneele.de €3,888 – This domain forwards to paneldesign24.de, which sells panels such as acoustic panels. The domain translates to “wall panel” in German.

Fecit.net $3,800 – Fecit Antiques and Estates, LLC helps families liquidate estates.

Croma.org $3,599 – Croma, Inc is a Boston non-profit organization restoring a church.

Holzsauna.at €2,500 – Holzbau Boscheri is a Swiss seller of saunas.

Laminat-Shop24.de €2,000 – Want to buy laminate flooring? This site is for you.

Post link: 13 end user domain sales up to €120,000

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