
Hi and welcome to the Episode #104 of the Internet Marketing Muscle Podcast.

Show Notes

  • Episode #4!!!
  • Dedicating this one to my Mom. She passed away about a month ago and if not for her—literally—I wouldn’t be here today. Plus, she instilled a lot of good values in me.
  • Let’s get started!

How to start a podcast – tools

  • Camtasia OR Audacity OR Something else

How to start a podcast – setup




  • Modification of Warren Buffett’s Idea
  • Write down all your big goals.
    • At least 25
    • Then cut all but 6
    • Those are your goals for the year – accomplish one every two months (on average). Some may take longer, some shorter, but you get the gist of it.
  • For more great lifehacks, subscribe to the Slackerize Newsletter

Final Thoughts

  • Thanks for listening.
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lifehacks, mindset, podcast, productivity tips

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