You can probably tell from what I've been writing and publishing lately that I'm in simplify mode.
I think I've made my business far too complex for me to run. It's simply not sustainable. It's no fun. Too many things to remember, too many “t's” to cross and “i's” to dot.
So I'm pulling back. Way back.
Always know that my main objective is to help you. I get a real kick out of helping people. It's why I started this site. And it's why I'll keep doing this as long as I can.
Now – to simplify.
Areas needing improvement – domains

I have too many domains. Every time I had a business idea, I got a new domain, built a site, and added some content. That is, if I got around to it.
Often, I never got around to fully setting up a lot of domains. Which resulted in wasted money, time, and effort. No more.
Hence, I'm selling a bunch of domains. I won't ever develop them, I won't use them, and they're up for sale.
Product Delivery
I've written ebooks and Kindles and produced video courses. I've used various platforms (JV Zoo, Warrior Plus, and Zaxaa).
As you know, I'm all about content creation and repurposing. So I'm determined to make that work, BIG TIME now.
I will continue writing Kindles. It's a great source of recurring income and builds my authority in my chosen subjects (that's another thing – see below). But I will port the content of those Kindles into Udemy courses and value-added ebooks.
So, Kindle, Udemy, and Zaxaa (for product sales/delivery of the ebooks).
Areas of Expertise
I spend way too much time being a Jack of All Trades – it's too much. From now to the foreseeable future, I will focus my efforts on blogging. Of course, I won't let my skill sets dwindle in other areas. I simply won't post much about those other areas.
I really do believe that your blog CAN BE your business. Or at least a substantial part of it. Content marketing is what we're all doing. My blog is a major component of that.
In fact, I've often said that “All roads must lead back to your blog.” And I believe it. And I (mostly) do it.
But now I have to focus almost solely on that and make sure I'm practicing what I'm preaching.
New Directions
The game plan is as follows.
I will build my subscriber lists through content. I will keep in touch with my audience mostly through email. Those emails will link back to this site.
I will be accepting new clients only on a limited basis. My clients must fit me as much as I fit them. And only one or two at a time.
It's a simple plan. And that's the point.
Nearly everything I do, business-wise, will be conducted on this site and through email.
A Better Me
All of this, and more, is part of the “A Better Me” program that I'm putting together for myself. I may post “A Better Me” later on.
Until then, here's to simplifying and scaling things back.
Grandma always said, ‘simple as a pimple’
Yep. The best ways of doing things are often the most simplistic. I’ve been reading a lot of Ryan Lee’s emails lately, and he’s marketing through email almost exclusively (easier to do when you have a million subscribers, but still…) and has shunned the social networks almost entirely.
Awesome post Bill, you’re one of the good guys in this biz. I’m a big fan of the Expert logo and the new look on the site. I hear you on the paring clients down thing- it’s much better to concentrate on a couple good ones than try and stack up some not so greats along the way.
Thank you so much, Jim! It’s harder than I thought to pare down stuff. But I can serve my audience better if I take on fewer projects and do less. More with less. Or something like that!
Rock on, man. Thanks again for your feedback – it’s always welcome!
Fantastic down to earth post Bill. The timing for me to read this is perfect. Less than 10 minutes before reading this I contacted my mentor asking for advice about just this…scaling back. I had so many projects going on that absolutely not one was being finished. How ridiculous is that? I’ve even let my email lists grow cold, so it’s time to start from ground zero and build again. 🙂
Thanks, Roy! From time to time, we just have to assess where we are and where we want to go, make course corrections, and just get back on track!
I been thinking about writing more.
You should – you’re a very creative person with passion. And you know your niche.
Great post Bill. It’s 100% time for me to re-assess and simplify as well. I appreciate you being one small part of that decision. Cheers man!
Always here to help, Nathan! Glad you’re simplifying.