Rant - Internet Marketing annoyancesNo, it's not what you think, and it's not the name of the latest adult movie!

I thought up this title while I was on the phone with a colleague. We are working together on some local marketing and we were both lamenting the fact that there's so much "noise" in this business.

As a general rule, those of us who call ourselves "internet marketers" sign up to be on a lot of email lists. There are multiple reasons for doing so: To be apprised of new products or techniques, to learn what the "gurus" are up to, to see how others market to their lists, and also to get all those freebies that circulate (they literally circulate like poop in the can).

Every once in a while I go on a tear where I sign up to everything. Then, I go through a period where I unsubscribe to nearly everything. Not a lot sticks, if you know what I mean.

Occasionally, I come across a breath of fresh air, a marketer who knows his stuff and who seems to be ethical, honest, and helpful. One of those guys is Michael Rasmussen. He's putting out a completely free how-to video series on setting up Joint Ventures, or JVs, called, "Joint Ventures Exposed."

But I digress.

I get dozens of offers every single day and I'm just about sick of it. Especially when it's the same offer from 20 different internet marketers. What boggles my mind is how they think this over-hyping will sell anything?

Of course, it "works." For the short term. I, for one, am not immune to this. I buy this crap. And then I get a refund because it's so much like everything else out there. (Wait while I puke in my mouth.)

Okay, I'm back.

Scope? Listerine? Vodka!

Anyway, we get inundated with so much crap that we forget our mission: To make money by helping others. That really is how internet marketing is supposed to work.

Instead, we "sit and spin."

It's a euphemism for getting nothing done. Not a damned thing done.

I'm done not getting anything done.

(Imagine me putting up a ginormous Do Not Disturb sign.)


breath of fresh air, different internet marketers, free how-to video, get more done, internet marketers, Internet Marketing, internet marketing noise, latest adult movie, rant, RANTS, sit and spin

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