Following up on the last post, Basic Keyword Structure, today I am going to show you how to make your keyword selections.

Keyword Selection Made (Somewhat) Easy

Let's say your chosen niche is dog training. What do you think your main, or Tier 1, keyword ought to be? That's right–dog training!

Odds are, however, that it will take you until the end of time to rank on the first page of Google for that term. However, there are many keyword variations on "dog training" that you can rank for. Today, I will show you how to find them.

Remember, the basic premise of my web philosophy is that content is King. This isn't about micro niches, either (more on that in a subsequent post). Rather, what we are talking about here is building out an authority site that serves to provide your visitors and customers with loads of content they crave.

Here's a really simple (and I mean really simple) way to get all the keywords you could EVER want.

Each of the keywords we find in the following exercise will be a future post or page for our site. They are long-tail keywords, too, so they will rank quite easily with enough backlinking juice.

So, here goes. Fire up Google's "External Keyword Tool," found here — (a new window or tab should open up).

dog training google keyword tool

Type "dog training" (without the quotes) in the Word or Phrase box, check the box "Only show ideas closely related to my search terms," and click the Search button.

Your results will be the top-searched keywords that contain the term, dog training. I suggest you click on the Download button and save these results as a CSV file that you can open in a spreadsheet program later.

Any of these keywords could be your Tier 2 keywords. Pick 4 or 5 of these that make sense for your website.

Finding Tier 3 Keywords

Now, here's the cool part. Un-check the "Only show ideas closely related to my search terms" and run the search again. Note that the results are different. These are the LSI keywords we talked about in Basic Keyword Structure. Save those results, too.

Now you have 200 keywords that you can use to write posts or pages.

Finally, here's a bonus keyword tool that is not widely popular, and I have no idea why. It's called the Wonder Wheel and here's how you find it.

Open a new browser window or tab and navigate to Google. Do a search using "dog training" (without the quotes). Now, on the left-hand side of the results, you should see a menu bar with an "All Results" listing. Underneath that, there is the Wonder Wheel. It looks like this:

Google Wonder Wheel

Click it and you will arrive at a page that looks like this:

Google Dog Training Wonder Wheel Results

Now, this is cool! Click on any of those terms and the Wonder wheel spawns all sorts of keywords directly related to the term!

You will never run out of things to write about again (or to send to your outsource partner) and you should easily be able to rank quite well and quite quickly for them.


basic keyword structure, external keyword tool, google external keyword, google external keyword tool, keyword selection, Keyword Selection Made (Somewhat) Easy, keywords, tier 3 keywords, Webify Your Business, wonder wheel

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