Summary: You can “siphon” traffic from other people's blogs using the methods described below. I don't really like the word “siphon.” I'd rather call it “Get people to your blog by doing nice things on other people's blog by leaving thoughtful comments, offering to guest blog for them, or mentioning their blog on yours in 'roundups.'”
Over the last several lessons you’ve been learning how to use different types of articles to promote your affiliate links.
But all that stellar content doesn’t mean a thing if no one is around to read it. And that’s why you’re now going to start learning about getting targeted traffic.
Earlier you learned how to use trackbacks to pull in some traffic from other people’s blogs. But that’s just one method.
Here are three more.
Comment on Niche Blogs
This is easy – all you have to do is comment on other blogger’s posts. Then link back to your blog when you do so.
A word of warning: Comment thoughtfully and contribute to the discussion. In other words, don’t post “one liners” or other rubbish.
You want your comment to be an asset to the blog. You want your comment to make you look good. Because the more people like your comment, the more willing they’ll be to click through to your blog.
Start Blog Rolling
This is where you exchange links with other bloggers in your niche – in other words, you add each other to your respective “blog rolls.”
It helps if you’ve been commenting regularly on the blogger’s blog for a few weeks. That way, the blogger will recognize your name when you send the email. Indeed, the blogger may have even visited your blog.
Please see the next page for an example email:
Subject: Hey [name] – let’s get more traffic to your blog
Hi [name],
[Your name] here – you may recognize my name as a regular commenter on your blog. I’m writing to let you know that I just added your blog to my blogroll at [your blog’s link]. You should see an increase in traffic soon.
Would you consider adding my link to your blogroll, too? It just takes a second – you can copy the link here: [insert code for anchor text and link].
[your name]
P.S. I love the article you posted last week about [topic], because [give genuine reason why you liked it].
Be a Guest Blogger
Instead of merely changing links with other bloggers, you can exchange content (which of course includes your links). The benefit is that your link will appear in a prominent spot and most of the blog visitors will read your article.
Here’s how to exchange content (preferably, again, with a blogger who recognizes your name from the comments you’ve made on his or her blog):
Subject: hey [name] – can I feature you on my blog?
Hi [name],
It’s [your name] here from [your blog]. Perhaps you recognize me from the comments I regularly post on your blog.
The reason I’m writing today is to propose a content swap – I’ll feature one of your articles on my blog, and in exchange you can post my article on your blog.
The benefits for you include free content for your blog, a free backlink, and free publicity on my blog.
Hit reply now to and let’s talk about the best topic for your article. I look forward to featuring it on my blog!
[your name]
P.S. My readers have been asking about [topic] – I told them you’re the [topic] expert and that I’d ask you about guest blogging. J
Today’s task: Start commenting on other niche blogs.
More traffic tips coming tomorrow!