I wanted to talk to you today about a simple business you can start part-time, doing some of the things you're already doing.
Create Small Reports Using PLROnline business is all about leverage. Sure, creativity matters; those who can produce most efficiently with their own style or flair thrown in are better off than those who can't.
But let's face it: We don't all have the gift of product creation or of writing quality articles or ebooks.
However, you can certainly start a thriving online business selling small reports using Private Label Rights material.
Here's what you do:
  1. Enter a market that has hungry buyers already. No need to create demand where it doesn't exist already. Do your keyword research. Use the usual tools to find relevant keywords. I'll be putting together a keyword tutorial of some sort in the near future.
  2. At first, concentrate on "long-tail keywords" – they are generally 3 words or longer. For example, if your market is "weight loss" (highly-competitive and you really have little chance getting any search traffic from that term, as you'll wind up on Google page number "nonehundred"), target in all your writing and posting a term like "weight loss tips" or "weight loss plans" or "weight loss and exercise." Make sense? You'll have a much better chance of ranking for those terms AND potential customers are more likely to search using those terms when they're looking for a solution.
  3. Now, purchase some PLR material on weight loss. Make sure it's PLR (read the license terms to ensure that you can a) modify the material however you want and b) you can claim authorship).
  4. Make the material yours. Target the 4 or 5 keywords/phrases you found in Step 2.
  5. Title the book using one of those keywords/phrases. Pick the one that you think will resonate best with your audience.
  6. Let people know about your product. Offer review copies to folks on the relevant forums (for our example, pick a weight loss forum). Run an "introductory special" for the first x buyers. Whatever.

The idea at first is not to earn a lot of money but rather to become a known quantity in your chosen niche. Add people to your email marketing list. As you create more products, make offers to your list. You'll find that people who liked your stuff last month will like what you write this month. 

Test. Try selling your next book for $7. The books, by the way, don't have to be lengthy. They can be anywhere between 7 and 30 pages. I suggest 7-15 pages because this length matches what an average reader/consumer has the patience for reading in full 🙂
Next product, sell it for $10. Think in series – working backwards from a full-fledged course or "real book," chunk out the chapters in a way that each chapter is a small report. Sell the "chapters" as you write them. At the end, bundle it all up and put it in book form, video, audio, or membership.
The key idea here is to leverage what's already available, use it, re-use it, and re-purpose it.
For example, I will use the content of this email as "stock" (as in making soup) for a blog post (heck, I might even copy it word for word), a short report, and then part of a bigger product.
As I suggest here, you're doing this but with an easier method: Your PLR material has already been written for you! You just have to modify it a bit.
Good sources of PLR material:

If you want to learn a bit more about how to use PLR material to build a thriving online business, check out Easy Private Label Rights Profits. It's something I picked up from none other than Jimmy Brown and it's easily worth 100x what you pay for it here ($9.95). It's really a no-brainer.



Create Small Reports Using PLR, email marketing list, label rights profits, online business, PLR, plr material, Private Label Rights, small report, small reports, thriving online business

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