Once in a while, I have a client who has only an Adobe PDF file and he or she needs me to edit it.

Free PDF to Word DOC converterWell…

I'm as frugal as the next guy. I mean, I like me some technology, but in this order: Free. Not free. Expensive.

Most PDF to Word converters are Expensive. Not a great choice for me. And some of the lesser quality and cheaper alternatives just don't work well.

Free is typically out of the question when it comes to converting a PDF to a Word Document.

Until I found this (shh…don't let too many people know else the wiseguys who run the place start charging):

PDF to Word

Here's how simple it is: 3 steps.

  1. Tell the website where your PDF is that you want converted (has to be a local file on your PC)
  2. Tell it whether you want a DOC or RTF file
  3. Tell it where to send the output.

In most cases, you'll get the output in less than 5 minutes. And it's flawless.

I'm not kidding about that. The output is flawless. Best free PDF to Word DOC converter on the planet. Of course, the makers of the software want you to buy their standalone software. I guess they think there's a compelling reason to pay a lot of money in return for not having to go through the horrible trouble of those 3 steps above.

Oh, the inconvenience! Seriously, this is good stuff. Their software goes for $100 or more (depending on version). This is a free PDF to Word DOC converter for FREE.


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