internet marketing mastermind
This really is better than gummy bears.

ANNOUNCING: The Internet Marketing Mastermind

Just a quick little announcement – I have FINALLY put together the Internet Marketing Mastermind and you are invited!

It's going to be chock-full of awesome.

[tweetthis url=””]Get in on this special deal – Internet Marketing Mastermind[/tweetthis]

Here are a few things you'll get when you join:

  • You get all 12 Modules in 2016.
  • You get all the presentation materials I use in the Modules (good if you can't attend).
  • Frequent Special Offers that I send ONLY to Mastermind members.
  • One $17 product each month — could be a video tutorial, an eBook, a Special Report.
  • Discounts on Udemy courses I create.
  • Advance notice on Kindle promos I run.
  • Exclusive email access to me.
  • Private Google+ Community where we can hang out, interact, ask questions, and contribute to the Mastermind.

Starts January 1. Buy today (November 30 only) using this coupon code: BF2015Mastermind and get half off the regular $60 yearly membership.

I'm really excited about this. I've been thinking about it for a really long time. And now I've finally pulled the trigger and launched it. I'd love for you to join us.

Internet Marketing Mastermind



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