Your announcement network is a vital piece of your promotion and marketing efforts

The presentation below is something I put together for my Meetup group that I used for my latest Kindle release, The Ultimate Guide to Blogging Laying the Foundation Part 1.

You see, an “Announcement Network” is a critical component any time you want to let the world know something. It could be a new product or service you're offering, a new book, a blog post, an event — quite literally anything you want to announce to the public.

The real trick in all this is to set up various social sites like twitter, Facebook, and Google+, along with YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, and some 3rd-party blogging sites like Tumblr, Blogger, and and then post messages that are unique and tailored to the audience you have on each platform (hence, go light on the auto-posting using tools like HootSuite and Buffer – used sparingly, they can be super-effective but if you're not careful they could look like spam.

Note that this work is not done simply for SEO purposes (though it can help, minimally). It's done for the human element.

Any questions, hit me up in the comments.


announcement network

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